Carmel of Reno - this Carmelite community of Sisters is the monastery where Teresa Hahn lived for many years. The heart of Carmelite life rests in faithfulness to silent and solitary prayer lived in the midst of community. Contemplative prayer is the Spirit growing, living and praying within us. This faithful and responsive openness to the Spirit opens our hearts to all in need and helps us to grow in compassion and service to others.
Center for Ecozoic Studies - the work of Thomas Berry is central to this organization that is dedicated to the principle that we live in a meaningful, continuously evolving universe.
Center for the Story of the Universe - Brian Swimme is a mathematical cosmologist on the graduate faculty of the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. His primary field of research is the nature of the evolutionary dynamics of the Universe. In 1989 he founded the Center for the Story of the Universe.
Christine Stewart Price - Chris has been Diane’s teacher in Gestalt Awareness Practice for many years. GAP is a form – nonanalytic, noncoercive, nonjudgmental – derived from the work of Fritz Perls, influenced by Buddhist practice and evolved by Richard and Christine Price.
EarthLight - a seedbed and greenhouse of eco-spiritual writing and artwork.
Enneagram Worldwide - the Enneagram is a dynamic system of nine personality types that empowers you to better understand yourself and others.
Genesis Farm - Genesis Farm is a learning center for Earth studies that focuses on the connections between the health of our global commons of air, water, land and nature, and the health of our local communities and bioregions. They are rooted in a spirituality that reverences Earth as a primary revelation of the divine.
Graduate Theological Union - at the frontline of religious collaboration since 1962, the GTU consortium consists of nine schools of theology representing the Roman Catholic and Protestant traditions, centers of Jewish, Buddhist, and Orthodox studies, and five research centers and affiliates. The GTU works collaboratively with the University of California, Berkeley, and is the home of one of the most comprehensive theological libraries in the U.S.
Hal Zina Bennett, Author and Writing Coach - Hal combines writing, spirituality and coaching in his practice and wrote the introduction to Diane Pendola’s book The Lioness Tale.
Raimon Panikkar - The official, multi-lingual site for the inter-cultural philosopher, theologian and long time friend of Skyline. Skyline Harvest houses a library of Panikkar’s collected works.
Santa Sabina Center - Santa Sabina is a retreat and conference center established in 1970 by the Dominican Sisters and dedicated to a “Contemplative Way of Being.”
Sisters of Earth - an informal network of women who share a deep concern for the ecological and spiritual crisis of our times and who wish to support one another in work toward healing the human spirit and restoring Earth’s life support systems.
The Center for Education, Imagination and the Natural World - the Center is dedicated to affirming and renewing the human/earth relationship in the context of contemporary education. The Center is located at Timberlake Farm, a 165 acre earth sanctuary in the foothills of North Carolina.
Thomas Berry - find biographical information, books, essays, films and video clips of this cultural historian and geologian. Thomas provided support and inspiration for our Eco-Contemplative Center and was a great friend of the Earth and of Skyline Harvest.
Thomas Berry - for biographic and background on Thomas Berry.