Our Mission | Our History
Our work is to heal and transform ourselves and our world. We strive toward these ends by cultivating an awareness of the sacred within the human and natural world. We live a life of action informed by reflection and deep inquiry leading to an engaged life. In these ways we foster an “undivided” life, a life of contemplative presence, a life of wisdom.
Our mission: To engage love, dialogue and reconciliation as a path to personal peace, social healing and planetary transformation.
We believe:
We resolve to live a whole integrated human life. This means a life of conscious communion with the human, cosmic and divine dimensions of reality for the spiritual, emotional and physical healing of individuals, communities and eco-systems. We choose to call this an eco-contemplative life.
We assume humanity is good. Creation is good. God (Divinity) is good. By trusting the basic goodness of the tri-fold Reality all things are possible.