Eco-contemplative Center | Lioness Tale Prison Project | Earthlines Journal |
Journey with Diane
Our Eco-contemplative Center, located on 200 acres of forestland in the Sierra Nevada foothills, cultivates awareness of the sacred throughout our human community and the natural world. The Center has offered facilities for retreats, workshops and trainings, private consultations and facilitated Lioness Tale workshops on liberating ourselves from our own inner imprisonment. It is not currently available for private rentals.
The Lioness Tale Prison Project currently works to support the inner liberation of women incarcerated in California prisons with the intention of expanding the program to other prisons throughout the country.
There is a certain seamlessness about our presence in the prison and our presence on the land. Everything is connected. The health and well-being of one is connected to the health and well-being of all. Through our Lioness Tale Prison Project, a harvest of light and compassion is radiating from the inside out to include us all. This harvest does not distinguish between social and environmental, between criminal justice and earth justice, between inner and outer, prisoner or free. In the awareness that everything is connected, one act of love vibrates through the whole web. Let us bind up and serve this sacred web of life.